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本文摘要:下面这篇英文ESSAY 是我曾资助过的一个东北财经大学的学生申请到美国爱荷华大学博士全额奖学金的文章。

下面这篇英文ESSAY 是我曾资助过的一个东北财经大学的学生申请到美国爱荷华大学博士全额奖学金的文章。同时分享一下写ESSAY的一些体会。美国博士研究生录取发放奖学金的制度和找事情相似。美国大学专门的录取事情人员会把他们认为切合条件,优秀的学生推荐给教授,资助教授做助理事情,好比在图书馆收集整理资料,用来写研究性论文。


一旦录取,学校会发给学生1200-1500美金的助学金,学费全免掉。因此往往通过精彩的ESSAY,从成千上万的申请人中脱颖而出,让老师看到你的优势。通过鲜活的写作,让老师对你难以忘记。I was born in Hebei,China,one of the world’s most ancient nations that have fabulous historyMy father is director of a large cable company. He is a highly successful businessman and exerts strong influence in the local government.Under his influence,I tried my best to develop myself in a well rounded manner. My father always wish that in future I can become a highly capable businesswoman that is able to help him run his business.However,I myself have profound interest in academic studies.When my father took me to business meetings to meet with influential business people.I feel quite nervous and prefer stay at library doing academic research.During my spare time,I try hard to broaden my knowledge of theoretical finance by reading finance and econometric books,however,I am not able to test those theories empirically.I long for an environment where I can conduct research merely for the sake of curiosity.After undergoing rigorous academic study.I am fortunate to enter one of the best Finance and Economics Universities in China-Dongbei University of Finance & Economics,known as “the cradle of bank’s president in china”.At school, I try to acquire advanced knowledge and equip myself as best as I could. I am very much interested in courses like Marketing Research, Supply Chain Management, International Logistics,Retail Management, Modern Logistics,Finance and Accounting.After classes, I also like to read books on financial accounting, management accounting and financial statement analysis.Apart from academic studies, I am very much interested in conducting research projects. When I was at college, I have acted as team leader conducting research in the bad sales performance of Dalian japan Youhe home Appliance Logistics Co.,Ltd. I tried to find out the company’s sales Problem by conducting telephone surveys and designing questionnaires. I designed a questionnaire in which I raised the following questions: 1.what major competitors are you facing? 2. what is the key competitive advantage of your company? 3. what is the major factor that lead to the bad sales problem? What are the management’s business philosophy? After designing the questionnaire,I made telephone Inquiries and try to approach the manager of the company and conduct face to face interviews. I also visited many other companies in the same industry and tried to talk with the managers of these firms. Afterwards,I did thorough homework and brought forward reasonable recommendations to improve the company’s sales.However,in conducting research,I find that I lack fundamental research method to support my final conclusions. I think I need more solid academic training in statistics to help me drawn scientific conclusions.I have also involved in a research project of Dalian Dongte Xinzhonghuan Real Estate Development Project. As an organizer of the project,I was mainly responsible for collecting and analyzing date to real estate developers.I analyzed the number of populations in the locality and consumer structure and conducted onsite research in the operation status of surrounding business.My research has received warm welcome from the nominee company. Which adopted my proposal to conduct onsite project research.Apart from doing research projects, I am also interested in acting as tutor in private schools. Once I acted as English instructor in a private primary school. I enjoy the experience of imparting my knowledge to young kids. I like to answer intelligent questions raised by the smart students. I truly hope that, by pursuing advanced degree in the United States will enable me to improve my skill to teach and make wonderful presentations in front of a large audiences.Starting the Phd Program in University of lowa. A well respected University in the United States would enable me to satisfy my academic curiosity and enable me to equip myself with some advanced tools and develop my analytical and research capabilities. My long term career objective is to become a prominent researcher in a world renowned research institute.I expect to learn to apply the world’s most advanced research method in solving real world problems. I choose University of lowa. Since it emphasizes on the rigor and analytical tools that are necessary for academic research. I have well-developed analytical and mathematical skills and I want to exploit these skills to the greatest extent. I feel the help and guidance that can be provided to me by the distinguished faculty of University will be invaluable. I an sure if I am given the opportunity to study at your university that attracts some of the best students from all over the world, it will provide an environment competitive enough to bring out the best in me.关注头条号,我们将会连续分享相关内容。

