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作者: yabo官网登录网站   时间:2023-04-18   浏览:57264

本文摘要:Thai Airways Offers Virtual Flights and DiningThai Airways Offers Virtual Flights and DiningHave you ever imagined flying an airplane? Do you miss airplane meals, or want to try first-class food? Thai Airways has found a way to offer these experiences, even if flights have been cancelled.Thai Airways is selling time on flight simulators to people who want to be pilots, and its food business is serving meals in an airplane-themed restaurant.For 20,000 baht ($640), you can spend half an hour in an Airbus A380 simulator, sitting in a cockpit that looks just like one found on a real airplane. Customers can choose an airport to go to, and enjoy a virtual takeoff and landing. Thai Airways pilots say that the most popular airport has been Tokyo. The youngest customer so far has been 7, and the oldest 77.The Thai Airways Royal Orchid Dining Experience opened in September and managers say it gets 800 customers every day. The restaurant staff serve food and drinks to customers sitting in airplane seats. There are three classes of food and service with different prices: First, Business and walk-in.Thai Airways is one of the world's top airlines, but it has been losing money since the coronavirus pandemic stopped flights earlier this year. By May 2020, the company was almost 300 billion baht ($9.6 billion) in debt.While the virtual flights and dining experiences do make money for the airline, that is not the goal."The real objective is to keep the relationship with Thai Airways passengers,” said Thai Airways Pilot Chaisupatt Mulsrikaew. “We miss our passengers too.”QuestionsWhen did the Thai Airways Royal Orchid Dining Experience open?How much does it cost to spend half an hour in an Airbus A380 simulator?How many customers are visiting the airplane-themed restaurant each day?


Thai Airways Offers Virtual Flights and DiningThai Airways Offers Virtual Flights and DiningHave you ever imagined flying an airplane? Do you miss airplane meals, or want to try first-class food? Thai Airways has found a way to offer these experiences, even if flights have been cancelled.Thai Airways is selling time on flight simulators to people who want to be pilots, and its food business is serving meals in an airplane-themed restaurant.For 20


,000 baht ($640), you can spend half an hour in an Airbus A380 simulator, sitting in a cockpit that looks just like one found on a real airplane. Customers can choose an airport to go to, and enjoy a virtual takeoff and landing. Thai Airways pilots say that the most popular airport has been Tokyo. The youngest customer so far has been 7, and the oldest 77.The Thai Airways Royal Orchid Dining Experience opened in September and managers say it gets


800 customers every day. The restaurant staff serve food and drinks to customers sitting in airplane seats. There are three classes of food and service with different prices: First, Business and walk-in.Thai Airways is one of the world's top airlines, but it has been losing money since the coronavirus pandemic stopped flights earlier this year. By May 2020, the company was almost 300 billion baht ($9.6 billion) in debt.While the virtual flig


hts and dining experiences do make money for the airline, that is not the goal."The real objective is to keep the relationship with Thai Airways passengers,” said Thai Airways Pilot Chaisupatt Mulsrikaew. “We miss our passengers too.”QuestionsWhen did the Thai Airways Royal Orchid Dining Experience open?How much does it cost to spend half an hour in an Airbus A380 simulator?How many customers are visiting the airplane-themed restaurant each d
