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作者: yabo官网登录网站   时间:2023-05-01   浏览:18777

本文摘要:一、Dialogue 会话A: Hello, room service.B: This is room 369. I'd like to order some food, please.A: I'm sorry, but the kitchen's closed.B: What do you have?A: We have only sandwiches and drinks.B: That'll be fine. I'm starving.Part BA: Hello, front desk. Can I help you?B: Can you give me a morning call, please?A: Sure. What time do you want to get up?B: Please call me at 6:00 a.m.A: No problem.B: Thank you.二、Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解order [‘ɔrdɚ]v 点(餐);订购some [sʌm] adj 一些,若干kitchen ['kɪtʃn] n 厨房sandwitch['sændwɪtʃ] n 三明治starve[stɑrv] v 饥饿;饿死front [frʌnt] desk (饭馆中的) 前台problem ['prɑbləm] n 没问题三、Grammar Points 语法重点1、I'd like to order some food, please.我想点一些菜a.order [‘ɔrdɚ]v 点(餐);订购I'll order a pizza for dinner tonight .If the bookstore doesn't have this book ,they can order it for you.b.Are you ready to order ,sir ?先生,您是不是准备好要点菜了呢?


一、Dialogue 会话A: Hello, room service.B: This is room 369. I'd like to order some food, please.A: I'm sorry, but the kitchen's closed.B: What do you have?A: We have only sandwiches and drinks.B: That'll be fine. I'm starving.Part BA: Hello, front desk. Can I help you?B: Can you give me a morning call, please?A: Sure. What time do you want to get up?B: Please call me at 6:00 a.m.A: No problem.B: Thank you.二、Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解order [‘ɔrdɚ]v 点(餐);订购some [sʌm] adj 一些,若干kitchen ['kɪtʃn] n 厨房sandwitch['sændwɪtʃ] n 三明治starve[stɑrv] v 饥饿;饿死front [frʌnt] desk (饭馆中的) 前台problem ['prɑbləm] n 没问题三、Grammar Points 语法重点1、I'd like to order some food, please.我想点一些菜a.order [‘ɔrdɚ]v 点(餐);订购I'll order a pizza for dinner tonight .If the bookstore doesn't have this book ,they can order it for you.b.Are you ready to order ,sir ?先生,您是不是准备好要点菜了呢?May I take your order now ?我可不行以接受您的点菜呢?A:May I take your order now ?B:I'm not ready to order yet . Please give me a minute.c.order 也可表“下令”的意思,句型如下:order +人+to +动词 下令某人做……例:You don't have the right to order me to do things for you.你没有权利下令我为你做事。2、The museum is closed on Mondays .那间博物馆每星期一都不开放。museum [mju'zɪəm] n 博物馆The bookstore closes at 10:00 p.m. every day .那家信店天天晚上10点打烊。close 也可以用来表现一般的“关闭”,如:close the door (关门)、close the window (关窗户)等。

例:Please close the window .It's cold .3、That'll be fine.那也可以。例:A:Do you have any coffee?B:No.But we have tea.A:That'll be fine .4、I'm starving .我饿坏了=I am very hungry.例:I'm starving. Do you have anything to eat ?I'm starving to death .5、in front of 在……的前面例:There's a department store in front of the train station.There's a big tree in front of my house.6、Can you give me a morning call, please?morning call特指在早上叫人起床的电话,而wake -up call也是指叫人起床的电话,可是不限于在什么时间。

例:Can you give me a morning call at 5 tomorrow , please ?可不行以请你在明早5点钟打电话给我叫我起床?Can you give me a wake -up call at 4 p.m.,please ?7、 get up 起床go to bed 上床睡觉go to the bed 走到床边例: I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. and get up at 6 in the morning every day .8、 Please call me at 6:00 a.m.(美式用法)=Please give me a call at 6:00 a.m.(美式用法)=Please ring me (up) at 6:00 a.m.(英式用法)=Please give me a ring at 6:00 a.m.(英式用法)9、No problem. 没问题这是一种用来响应他人、表现愿意做对方所要求之事或有能力做某事的用语。例: A:Can you lend me 100dollars ?你可以借我100块钱吗?B:No problem.A: Can you do the job ? 你会做这个事情吗?B:No problem.四、Substitution 替换I'd like to order /some food please . /two steaks please ./a cup of coffee,please .I'm sorry but /the kitchen closed./ I can't go with you./you must leave now.I'm starving./very hungry.Can you give me a morning call,please ?/ wake-up call,please ?Please call me at 6am./ give me a call tomorrow./ring me as soon as possible.五、Exercises 训练Hello front desk can I help you?I want to get up at 7am tomorrow morning.Yes?Can you give me a morning call please?Sure, what’s your room number?It's 707.Ok. I’ll call at 7am.Thank you.No problem.。

