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作者: 主页下载登录   时间:2022-11-28   浏览:14188

本文摘要:Part 3 Bellman Services 提送行李当客人到达旅店,服务员应上前问好,而且客套地询问客人一共有几件行李,资助提送到前台。

Part 3 Bellman Services 提送行李当客人到达旅店,服务员应上前问好,而且客套地询问客人一共有几件行李,资助提送到前台。送客人去房间时,不能保持缄默沉静,应该主动向客人打招呼,交际谈天,让客人有一种放松的感受。到房间后,应请客人首先清点好自己的行李,而且预祝客人愉快。


另外,在资助客管理行李寄存之前,一定要先清点行李的数量,以免忙中堕落。B = Bellman 服务员 G = Guest 客人(1)Check — in to room 领导客人至客房B: Good evening. Welcome to Beijing Hotel. May I help you?晚上好,接待惠临北京饭馆,我能为你效劳吗?G: Yes, Please. The bags are in the trunk.贫苦你把后备箱内的行李取出。B: (Puts the bags on the trolley) There are altogether four pieces of luggage. Is that correct?(把行李放在行李车内)一共4件,对吗?G: Yes, thank you very much.对了,多谢。

B: This way to the reception counter, please. (To guests blocking the way) Excuse me, sirs. May I come through, please?请由这边去往接待处。(对站在通道口的客人说)对不起,先生,请让我走过。

(After a while, the Guest finish all terms).过了一会儿,该客人管理好一切手续。B: Would you come this way to the lift, please? (The lift doors open) After you, sir.请往这边走去乘电梯。

(电梯门开启)先生,请你先走。G: Thank you.谢谢。B: (Inside the lift) Did you have a nice trip, sir?(电梯内)旅途愉快吗?G: It’s fine. But I’m too tired. I want a good sleep.还好,可是我太累了,我需要好好睡上一觉。

B: I’m sure your will, sir .Out rooms are very quiet. If you need anything. just call the room service.我保证你一定能够,我们的房间很平静。如果你有任何需求,可联络客房服务部。

(2) Depositing some items 行李寄存G: I’d like to leave this with you.我想把这件行李寄存在你们这儿。B: Certainly, Is there anything valuable or breakable in your bag?好的。请问袋子中有无珍贵或易碎物品?G: No.没有。B: Could you fill the form ,please?您能填一下这张表格吗?(After a while, the guest finished it)过了一会儿,客人填完了。

B: Thank you. Here is your tag.谢谢,这是您的取物牌。G: How much is it?几多钱呢?B: This is free service for its guests provided by the Hotel.这是旅店为客人提供的免费服务。

G: Thanks a lot.多谢。B: You are welcome.别客套。

B=Bell Captain服务员的领班 G=Guest游客B1=Bellman(为游客搬送行李的)服务员(3) Bringing baggage down 退房时的行李提送B: This is the Bell Captain’s Desk. May I help you?服务台,能为您效劳吗?G: I’m going to check out soon, Could you pick up my luggage, please?我马上要退房,请来帮我拿行李好吗?B: Certainly, sir. May I have your room number, please?好的,先生。请告诉我您的房间号码好吗?G: Yes, it’s3546.好的,3546号房。B: Room 3546. We will send a bellman immediately. Could you wait in your room, please?3546号房,我连忙派服务员已往。请在房间期待好吗?B1: Good morning, sir. I’ve come for your bags.早安,先生,我来取您的行李。

G: Thank you. Could you take these two suitcases, please? I’ll bring the shoulder bag with me.谢谢。你拿这两个旅行箱好吗?我自己拿着手提包。B1: Certainly, sir. Two suitcases?固然好,先生。

两个旅行箱吗?G: Yes.是的.B1: Is there anything valuable or breakable in them?内里有什么珍贵或易碎的物品吗?G: No.没有。B1: This is your claim tag. We will keep your suitcases at the Bell Captain’s Desk. Could you pickthem up there, please?这是您的取物牌。我们会将您的行李存放在服务台。

请到那儿领取好吗?G: Certainly.好的。B1: Thank you, sir.谢谢您,先生。Selected Sentences 精选句型(1) Carry luggage for a guest 替客人提行李May I help you with your luggage?我可以帮你提行李吗?Just s moment, Please, I’ll get the trolley / cart.请稍等。


我去给你提行李车。Please leave it to me. I’ll take it for you.把行李留给我好了,我会帮你处置惩罚好的。(2) Guide a guest to the reception 引导客人往接待处This way is to the reception counter, please.请往这边走到接待处。

Could you follow me? The reception counter is over there.请跟我来好吗?接待处在那一边。This is the reception counter. I’m afraid it ‘s quite busy now. Would you mind waiting for a while?这是接待处,恐怕现在很是忙。

请稍等片刻好吗?Follow me, please. The reception counter is over there.请跟我来,接待处在那一边。(3) Comfort a guest 慰藉客人I’ll take care of it, sir. Don’t worry.先生,我来处置惩罚这件事。别着急。

Everything will be all right.一切都市好的。We can arrange it for you, sir. Don’t worry.先生,我们能为你摆设此事。别急。

(4) Ask about the number of luggage 询问行李件数How many pieces of luggage do you have?你们一共有几多件行李?Altogether three suitcases and two handbags. Is that correct / right?一共三个箱子两个提包,对吗?Is this all your luggage?这是你所有的行李吗?(5) Reach the destination 到达目的地Here we are.我们到了。(6) Chat with a guest 和客人谈天Did you enjoy your trip?旅途愉快吗?I hope you enjoy your trip to Beijing.希望你北京之行愉快。You must be tired after a long flight.远程旅行之后你一定累了。

(7) Tell a guest about the merits of a hotel 告诉客人旅店的优点I’m sure you’ll like your room.我肯定你会喜欢你的房间。It is spacious and airy.房间宽敞通风好。


I can assure you that the room is very quiet and comfortable.请相信房间很是清闲舒适。We have the best chef in Beijing.我们有北京最好的厨师。

(8) Dialogue in the lift 在电梯里的对话Go up / down?上楼 / 下楼Please take next car.请乘坐下一趟电梯。This one only goes to the tenth floor or above. You should take the one on your left.这电梯只去十层或十层以上。你应该乘坐您左边的电梯。(9) Introduce the facilities of a hotel 先容旅店设施There is a beauty center and a hair salon in the basement.地下室有美容中心和发廊。

The tennis court and swimming pool are on the twentieth floor.网球和游泳池在二十层。Our executive center opens until two o’clock in the morning.我们的办公中心一直营业到破晓两点。In our shopping arcade, you can find different kinds of souvenir.在我们的购物场所你可以发现种种各样的纪念品。(10) Remind a guest to look out 提醒客人当心Watch you step, please.请慢走。

Mind your head, please.请注意别碰头。Please be careful.请当心。

Please hold the handrail.请握着扶手。(11) Comfort a guest in case of accident 发生意外时慰藉客人Are you all right?你还好吗?Lean on me. I’ll help you to a seat.靠着我。我扶你到座位上。

Are you feeling better now?现在感受好点了吗?Don’t worry, we’ll settle it down immediately.别急,我们将马上解决。(12) Deposit goods 寄存物品May I have your storage receipt?我可以看一下你的寄存收据吗?I’m sorry, sir. We can’t accept perishable goods.很歉仄先生,我们不接受易碎物品。I’m afraid we cannot be responsible for any damage / spoilage.恐怕我们对任何损坏都不卖力。

You may collect your luggage from the Bell Captain’s Desk, sir.你可以从行李员领班那里取你的行李。

